Integrate tools
and automate your
online business

Connect tools and apps you already use in your business, move data between them, and integrate end-to-end operations without writing code.

14 days free trial · No credit card required

Guru Integrations
 Simple and Intuitive
140+ available integrations


Connect the tools and apps you use in just a few clicks and bring harmony to your marketing, logistics, and after-sales processes.


Create automation rules and send relevant data to different tools easily, intuitively, and according to business needs.


Automate tasks such as granting access to the online classes, or issuing invoices. Eliminate bureaucracy and make your operation more efficient.

Automate your business with ready-to-use integrations

Connect your apps and automate the business according to your needs. Automate tasks and coordinate marketing, logistics, and after-sales activities with just a few clicks.

Successful companies don’t try to reinvent the wheel.

With Guru, you do not need a developer to automate dozens of tasks such as issuing invoices, notifying a customer via SMS, segmenting email lists by customer behavior, or granting user access to the eLearning platform.

Integrations off-the-shelf are the best way to increase your team’s productivity and turn the operation more efficient.

Guru ligado a todos os procesos de pós venda


Notify your app and create custom automations

With Guru’s Webhook, you can send data to your app whenever a predefined event occurs.

Your application receives the data, and the development team can create a custom automation for your internal processes.

  • Sales
  • Subscriptions
homem trabalhando no computador guru
Ligando o modo automático

Put your business activities on autopilot

14 days free trial · No credit card required


What platforms and tools does Guru integrate with?

Guru integrates with more than 120 different tools within 12 categories that lets you automate sales and after-sales processes, from receiving payment to issuing invoices.

What types of integration are available?

Guru integrates with over 12 different tool categories. Among them are payment processors, members area, advertiser platforms, carriers, billing, and others, to automate your operation.

Can I only do integrations with the platforms that are listed?

For immediate use, yes. If the platform you want to connect to Guru does not have native integration with us, it is possible to do so through Webhooks or via Guru API. Note: The target platform must read correctly the data sent.

Integrations: Do I need a developer to do it?

No, you don’t need a developer to integrate tools. Guru offers over 120 ready-to-use integrations, and to make it even easier, all the necessary step-by-step tutorials are available in the help center. In addition, you can send data to other platforms through webhooks (in this situation you may need a developer).

Is there a limit to how many active integratiotions I can have?

All Guru plans have a limit on the number of tools you can connect. You can consult the operational limits on the pricing page.

Can I integrate multiple accounts of the same tool into my Guru account?

Can I integrate multiple accounts of the same tool into my Guru account?
No, each Guru account allows you to connect only one account of each tool available in the integrations list.

I have an e-commerce, can I import my products to Guru?

Yes. Through e-commerce integrations, it is possible to import registered products with just a few clicks.

Old Sales: What Happens to Them?

In general, automations only include sales made after the integration is activated. Integrations in the External Checkout category are the only ones that can receive retroactive sales. However, when you receive these sales, Guru consumes account credits. If you have a lot of sales on the other platform, talk to our support team to assess the volume of credits needed.

What is an automation?

Automation is a way to facilitate a company’s processes. With Guru, it is possible to connect several tools that help to automate the sales process, such as give access to the student in the members area, issuing an invoice, or sending an SMS.

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